What to Post on Instagram in 2022

With so many different content and social media platforms at our fingertips, and so many best practices to follow for each one, it can be really hard to keep up with what content to post where. Even within the platforms themselves, there are multiple media formats to utilise, each with their own set of “rules”, it’s no wonder that marketing your small business gets exhausting! I’m here to help with this series, first up with a handy guide on what’s best to post on Instagram. Let’s get going and make posting on social media simpler!

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How to Create Valuable Content for Your Audience on Social Media

When you’re growing a small business online, content marketing is a really important step if you want to build an audience and nurture them to a point where they’re ready to buy from you. The problem for a lot of business owners is that creating content takes time, and if those posts aren’t actually converting into sales, it can feel like that time isn’t being well spent. It also feels like things are shifting online at the moment, with lots of business owners worried about low reach on Instagram, and experimenting with other platforms like TikTok and Pinterest. It can feel scary when the platforms we’re used to using feel like they’re constantly changing, but there’s one thing that will always work when it comes to content and that is: providing value for your audience.

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5 Steps to Define Your Ideal Customer

If you run a small business, you’ve probably heard that it’s important to determine your ideal customer. There’s a lot of marketing jargon around this topic, like creating an ideal client avatar, or customer profiling, which can make things more confusing than they need to be. However, the phrase “if you’re marketing to everyone, you’re marketing to no-one”, really is true, so it IS important to get to know who we’re selling to. So in this step by step guide, I’ll help you get to know your customer in a more creative and fun way, without the fluff and unnecessary faff. Let’s go!

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What are Idea Pin "Takes" on Pinterest, and How to Use Them?

Pinterest have been putting a lot of energy into Idea Pins, and new features and functionality for this fresh pin type just keep on coming. One of the most recent things to be added to Idea Pins is “Takes”, a feature that allows you to reply to someone else’s Idea Pin with your own (and allow others to do the same on your Idea Pins). If you add a Take to an Idea Pin, it will appear both underneath the original pin, and on your profile with your other Idea Pins.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Product Photography

I work with lots of creatives on their content strategy, and the number one thing they struggle with when it comes to staying consistent on platforms like Instagram or Pinterest, is not having enough images. When it comes to starting and growing a handmade product business, there are lots of skills that come in handy. One of the most important of these, is product photography. Having great photos of your product is really important, not just for marketing, but also to help convert traffic into customers and sales.

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How to Find Your Creative Style: Creativity Tips for Business Owners

Whether you’re first starting out in your creative career, or you’ve been in business for a while, finding and developing your own unique style can be a challenge. If you’re an artist or an indie maker, it’s especially difficult when you’re looking at your own work, because often you’re too close to it to be able to see it with fresh eyes. It’s a struggle that lots of creatives face for sure, but why is it important to find your voice in your work?

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Pinterest Best Practices for Idea Pins

Have you tried Pinterest’s newest feature yet? Idea Pins (formally known as Story Pins) are exploding on Pinterest right now, and they are easy and fun way to grow your following on the platform, and get new eyes on your brand. But what are they, and what kind of content works best for them? I’ve got you covered in this quick get started guide to Idea Pins.

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40 Creative Video Content Ideas for Your Product Business

With social media favouring video even more with each new feature release, it’s understandable that small business owners are feeling the creative pressure. Video content can be a challenge, but it can also be really fun and creative, and with audiences engaging more more video than ever, it’s fast becoming a non-negotiable in your content strategy.

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5 Steps to Create a Content Plan You'll Actually Stick To

Do you have loads of content ideas for your small business, but never seem to find enough time to actually post all of them? Lack of time is something lots of us struggle with as creatives with important stuff to do and lives to lead, but having a content planning system that works for you can be an absolute game changer. After working through these five simple steps, you should be well on your way to setting up your own content plan. Let’s GO.

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How to Never Run Out of Content Ideas Again

Do you wish you could create content more consistently for your small business marketing, but struggle to come up with ideas for posts? Having a few techniques up your sleeve to help inspire you will be a game changer. The ideas don’t come naturally to everyone and that’s totally ok, these tips will help you conjure those brainwaves when you need a boost.

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15 Easy Marketing Tips that will Save You Hours of Time

Whenever I ask small business owners what their biggest struggle is with making content and marketing their business, the number one answer is always TIME. There’s so much to think about when you run a business, especially if you work by yourself, so it’s totally understandable that marketing often is the first thing to slip down the to-do list.

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17 Ways to Get Out of a Creative Rut

When you feel stuck in a creative rut, it makes running your business even harder than usual, which isn’t exactly helpful when you’re trying to build an empire is it?! Sometimes taking a break is the best remedy, but let’s face it, that’s not always possible when you have deadlines to hit and bills to pay as a small business. So this post is full of creative prompts and tips for when you feel like you've lost your sense of imagination, and you can't seem to find inspiration anywhere.

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Where to Start with Pinterest Metrics

Pinterest updated their metrics in January 2021, so there are new ways to analyse your progress on the platform. Pinterest analytics can look a bit overwhelming when you’re starting out, but don’t worry, I’ve created this guide as an introduction for you. There are a few reasons why understanding your Pinterest analytics is super important to growing on the platform. Firstly and most obviously, it helps you see what your most successful pins are (always helpful!). Tracking your metrics also helps you stay on track with your Pinterest goals, and not get distracted by obsessing over less important things…

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How to Save Time on Your Pinterest Marketing with Tailwind

When people ask me how I manage to get Pinterest working so well for my business, I always introduce them to my not-so-secret weapon - Tailwind. For years, I’ve been using Tailwind to schedule all of my pins, so I can sit down once a week, and plan out all of my pins for the week in one sitting. In this post I’ll share everything you need to know about Tailwind’s features, before you try it out yourself.

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How to Get Free Website Traffic From Pinterest

The reason Pinterest is so brilliant for marketing is that it’s such a powerful search engine. Did you know it’s the second biggest search engine, after google? There are 367 million monthly active users on Pinterest, and if you learn how to create pins that entice those people over to your website, then you have the opportunity to bring lots of organic traffic, you can then turn into customers.

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5 Tips to Get Success on Pinterest in 2021

Has Pinterest been on your radar for ages, but somehow keeps slipping down the business to-do list? Or are you already putting effort in, but you’re wondering why it’s not bringing you traffic back to your website yet? In this post I'm sharing my top tips to get success on Pinterest in 2021, including how to utilise the most recent updated best practices.

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